C Language Training | Future Way


C is a powerful and efficient language that provides low-level access to computer memory and system resources, making it ideal for systems programming and other applications that require direct hardware manipulation. It is also a popular language for developing application software, particularly in the areas of scientific computing, engineering, and finance.

In terms of popularity and usage, C remains one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, and is a critical component of many modern software systems and applications.

  • Introduction to C: You will learn about the history of the C language, its importance in the computing world, and the basic structure of a C program.
  • Data types and variables: You will learn about the different data types in C, including integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and strings, and how to declare and use variables.
  • Control flow: You will learn how to use conditional statements (if-else statements), loops (for, while, do-while), and switch statements to control the flow of your program.
  • Functions: You will learn about the basics of functions in C, including function declaration and definition, parameter passing, and return types.
  • Arrays and pointers: You will learn how to declare and use arrays and pointers in C, including multi-dimensional arrays and pointer arithmetic.
  • Strings: You will learn about C-style strings and how to manipulate them using standard library functions.
  • Structures and unions: You will learn how to define and use structures and unions in C, including nested structures and bit fields.
  • File I/O: You will learn how to read from and write to files in C, including text and binary files.
  • Dynamic memory allocation: You will learn how to use dynamic memory allocation functions (malloc, calloc, realloc, free) to allocate and deallocate memory dynamically.
  • Advanced topics: Depending on the course, you may also learn about advanced topics in C, such as function pointers, recursion, preprocessor directives, and bitwise operations.
  • What is C?
  • Fundamentals of a C Program?
  • Installing the C Compiler
  • A first program – Hello world
  • Arguments and return values
  • Passing command line arguments to your program
  • printf
  • Comments
  • Basic Data Types
  • Variables and types
  • Local and Global Variables
  • Integers and floating point numbers
  • Constants
  • Naming conventions
  • Operators – equality and assignment
  • Operators – tests and comparisons
  • Compound assignment operators
  • Increment and decrement operators
  • if and else tests
  • Problems with gets() and fgets()
  • Input, buffers and flushing
  • Logical Operators
  • Functions
  • Arguments and Parameters
  • Switch statements
  • Arrays
  • Initializing arrays
  • ‘while’ loops
  • ‘do..while’ loops
  • break and continue
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • Strings, pointers and addresses
  • Null-terminated strings
  • Char arrays and pointers
  • Arrays, pointers and assignment
  • Strings and functions, stack and heap
  • String functions
  • char functions
  • structs
  • typeof
  • Enums
  • Header files
  • A custom header file
  • Scope and external files
  • Static functions and variables
  • Opening and closing files
  • File modes
  • Reading and writing a text file
  • Counting lines in a text file
  • Search in a text file

At the end of the C training course, you will get a C Certification from us which will be very helpful for you in your future.

  • 2 Month
  • Skill Level Intermediate
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes