C++ Programing Language Training | Future Way
C++ is a general-purpose programming language that was created as an extension of the C language. It supports object-oriented programming (OOP) and is commonly used for developing operating systems, system software, embedded systems, game development, and high-performance applications.
- Basic programming concepts such as data types, variables, operators, and control structures
- Object-oriented programming concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism
- Memory management concepts such as pointers, dynamic memory allocation, and references
- Standard Template Library (STL) containers and algorithms
- Input/output (I/O) operations, file handling, and stream classes
- Exception handling and error reporting
- Threading and concurrency concepts
What is C++?
Fundamentals of a C++ Program?
Installing the C++ Compiler
Overview of the Structure of a C++ Program
include Preprocessor Directive
The main() function
Basic Input and Output (I/O) using cin and cout
Writing our first program
What are Compiler Errors?
What are Compiler Warnings?
What are Linker Errors?
What are Runtime Errors?
What are Logic Errors?
if Statement
if else Statement
Nested if Statements
switch-case Statement
Conditional Operator
Nested Loops
Character Functions
C-Style Strings
Working with C-style Strings
C++ Strings
What is a Function
Function Definition
Function Prototypes
Function Parameters and the return Statement
Default Argument Values
Overloading Functions
Passing Arrays to Functions
Pass by Reference
Scope Rules
How do Function Calls Work
inline Functions
Recursive Functions
What is Object-Oriented Programming?
What are Classes and Objects
Declaring a Class and Creating Objects
Accessing Class Members
public and private
Implementing Member Methods
Constructors and Destructors
The Default Constructor
Overloading Constructors
Constructor Initialization lists
Delegating Constructors
Constructor Parameters and Default Values
Copy Constructor
Shallow Copying with the Copy Constructor
Deep Copying with the Copy Constructor
Move Constructors
The ‘this’ Pointer
Using const with Classes
Static Class Members
Structs vs Classes
Operator Overloading
SWhat is a Smart Pointer? Ownership and RAII.
Unique Pointers.
Shared Pointers.
Weak Pointers.
Custom Deleters.
Basic Concepts and a Simple Example: Dividing by Zero
Throwing an Exception from a Function
Handling Multiple Exceptions
Stack Unwinding and How it Works
Creating User-Defined Exception Classes
Class Level Exceptions
The C++ std::exception Class Hierarchy
What is the STL?.
Stream Manipulators.
Reading from a Text File.
Generic Programming with Macros.
Generic Programming with Function Templates.
Generic Programming with Class Templates.
Creating a Generic Array Template Class.
Introduction to STL Containers.
Introduction to STL Iterators.
Introduction to STL Algorithms.
Sequence Container(Array,Vector,Deque).
Associative Containers.
Container Adaptors.
At the end of the C++ training course, you will get a C Certification from us which will be very helpful for you in your future.