IOS Training | Future Way


iOS is a mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. and is used exclusively on Apple's mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. It is known for its user-friendly interface, strong security features, and a wide range of applications available through the Apple App Store. Developers can use Apple's development software, Xcode, to create native applications for iOS devices using the Swift or Objective-C programming languages.

To learn iOS development, one would need to learn the Swift or Objective-C programming languages, the Xcode development environment, iOS frameworks and libraries, and the Apple App Store publishing process.

In an Android course, you can expect to learn the following:
  • State of the art features.
  • Easy to make widgets and layouts.
  • Quick and easy to use.
  • Get Internships with TryCatch Classes.
  • Live Projects and Placements.
  • C,C++ programing
  • PL SQL
  • About iphone industry
  • Basic OOPs, Software Engineering ,SQL
  • Hello swift
  • An introduction about swift Playground
  • code comments
  • DataType Constants & variable
  • Tuples
  • Optional
  • Enumerations
  • Operator
  • Statements
  • Arrays
  • Dictionaries(NS Dictionaries, NS Mutable Dictionary)
  • functions and Closures
  • Classes and Structures
  • Inheritances
  • Methods Overriding
  • Properties
  • protocols
  • Generics
  • Extension
  • Introduction of iPhone Architectures and cocoa
  • Fretworks and tools
  • Interfaces builder ,XIB,NIb,Storyboard files
  • MVC architectures
  • Introduction of application Templates
  • CreatingIBoutlet,IBaction
  • Appdelegate,files Owner
  • UIAlert Controller(alert and actionsheet)
  • keyboard hiding,UIImageView,UIimagePickerController
  • UISegmentsControls, UI progress bar, UI slider
  • UIswitchbutton, UIstapper, UIActivity Controller,
  • WebView, ScrollView
  • Datepicker, Pickerview, UIView, UIStackView, UIHorizantalview
  • Auto layout with size class(Constraint)
  • Navigation from one page to another page
  • Text Sharing (UIActivity View Controls)
  • UITableview(customtableview cell)
  • UICollection View(custom collection view cell)
  • Navigation bar,Navigationitem,bar button item (with Custom Design)
  • Toolbar,Toolbaritem,Tab bar and Tab bar item (With Custom Design)
  • UIGestures Controls
  • Dynamic Controls Design (Custom Controls Design)
  • NSUserDefaults ,Plist,Appicon, splash screen
  • Validation[TextField Validator]
  • Use Layer Propties of all controls
  • Template Design
  • Directory Handling and file IO
  • SQLite database with the terminal operation
  • SQLite database operation with the application
  • XML and JSON parsing
  • Core data
  • Notification
  • Application Deployment
  • Audio, Video Player and Read pdf file with Simulator
  • Downloading and uploading
  • NSURL Request,NSMutable URL Request
  • IOS with phpwebservies[Request,post]
  • IOS with SOAP service
  • Location Mapping(GPS)
  • Map kit
  • 3D Touch
  • Notification (local and push notification)
  • Animation (basic,shaking,orbite,other)
  • App In porches(Store kit)
  • Add Extender
  • Cocoa pod Installation for downloading framework and library
  • Google Map Integration
  • Google API (places and direction API etc )
  • Social media integration,iAd Integration
  • Email and Message Sending
  • Cocoa controls Use in Projects
  • Use of ThiredPartiyapi

By the end of our IOS training course, You'll also receive a certification that can boost your career prospects.

  • 8 Month
  • Skill Level Intermediate
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes