NodeJS Training | Future Way


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build scalable and high-performance applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, and is ideal for building real-time, data-intensive applications.

In a Node.js course, you will learn the basics of Node.js, including how to set up a development environment, use the Node.js package manager (npm), and create basic server-side applications. You will also learn about the Node.js runtime environment, the event loop, and how to work with modules and packages.

  • The basics of Node.js, including its architecture and event-driven model.
  • How to use Node.js to build server-side applications, including web servers and APIs.
  • How to work with modules and packages in Node.js.
  • How to use popular Node.js frameworks like Express and Koa.
  • How to use Node.js to work with databases like MongoDB and MySQL.
  • How to use Node.js to work with web sockets and real-time data.
  • How to use Node.js to build command-line applications.
  • Best practices for testing, debugging, and deploying Node.js applications.
  • About Node.js
  • Difference between server and client side
  • How javascript works on server
  • Installation of Node.js
  • Understand how node js works as an event based system
  • benefits of using callbacks in node js
  • the whole event loop based architecture of Node js
  • Basics of Modules
  • Introduction to Node.js Built-in Modules
  • Introduction to NPM
  • Installing, Updating and Removing Modules
  • Creating your own Modules
  • Understanding NPM’s coding style
  • Choosing the right NPM Module for your Project
  • Create your own node server
  • Create and run node server on ports
  • Test node server
  • How to use nodes inbuild packages
  • IUsing filesystems modules of node to read, write, delete and update a file
  • Introduction to Framework
  • What is express
  • Installation and setup of node js using express
  • Modules
  • Routing
  • Middleware
  • Controllers
  • Introduction to ES6+ syntaxes and approach to node js.
  • Understanding Babel for backward compatability of javascript.
  • Creating a node structure with Babel and modern javascript.
  • Introduction to API
  • Understanding Http methods (GET, POST etc…)
  • Creating an API
  • Server side rendering.
  • Introduction to database
  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Understanding MongoDB and nosql database
  • Installing MongoDB
  • Writing CRUD queries in mongoshell.
  • Models
  • Intoduction and Understanding models in Express and node.
  • Installing mongoose package to connect with MongoDB.
  • Writing queries through api for CRUD operations in MongoDb
  • Integrating the server side node js API’s with frontend
  • Testing the api’s using Postman and Frontend.

By the end of our NodeJS training course, you'll have the skills to design and build websites from scratch. You'll also receive a certification that can boost your career prospects.

Course Images
  • 3 Month
  • Skill Level Intermediate
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes